Thursday, July 7, 2011

Psychotic Informer - 7/7/11

1.     1.  First up for the news today, the Video Game Bandit! There is a Floridian woman going around and robbing various Gamestop stores around the state! She is armed and is not afraid of firing, as she has already fired her gun in a previous robbery. Luckily no people were hurt during the robberies. What is really weird about this story is that she hasn’t been taking any video games! I mean, if I was robbing a video game store (which I wouldn’t, I assure you), I would definitely take all the games I could take! But instead the woman just took the cash register money. So anybody who works in a Florida Gamestop, watch out! You could be next! (For more information, read the full article:

            2.  In recent days, Valve has been known for releasing games early for doing various tasks (Portal 2, anyone?), and they don't plan on stopping! Though not on as large of a scale, to unlock the new Left 4 Dead 2 Campaign “Dead Air” early, 20,000 people are set to complete the new Left 4 Dead 2 achievement ‘Stream Crosser’ by completing the new map “Cold Stream.”. But you only have until July 10th to unlock the achievement for the campaign, so go kick some zombie butt and get that DLC!

3.      3. Tomita Technologies is suing Nintendo, claiming that Nintendo is violating one of their patents. They claim that they invented the technology for the 3DS years before Nintendo did. “The '664 patent asserted in this action covers 3-D technology invented and developed by Mr. Tomita,” says the lawsuit. This lawsuit is not the first of its kind, though, and nothing is expected to come of it. (For more information, read the full article:

T    4. Today’s Steam Summer Deal of the Day Sales include: Audiosurf at 85% off for only $1.50! Be sure to pick up this game, as it is extremely fun if you’re a music fan! Other deals include Dead Rising 2 at 50% off for only $20, and Command & Conquer 4 at 80% off for only $4!


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