1. After a much needed rest from yesterday, Psychotic Informer is back with more gaming news you need to know! Do you like watching movies? Many of us do. Do you like watching movies on 3.5 x 3 inch screens? What do you mean you don’t? Either way, Netflix for the 3DS has now been released! You can watch all your favorite movies and shows from Netflix on the 3.5 x 3 inch screen. You need wi-fi to use it, too. I think this is pretty dumb. If you’re in a wi-fi zone, why not just use your laptop to watch your shows? Even if you don’t have a laptop, why would you want to watch movies on your 3DS while at Starbucks? The worst part is that there won’t even be any 3D movies specially made for it! It just sounds like a dumb idea to me. In it’s defense, though, the video quality is beautiful and it’s easy to use. But either way, the app is free (though you still need a Netflix subscription), so why not? What do you think about Netflix on 3DS? (For more information, read the full article)
2. In other movie news (I swear this is still a video game article, just bear with me), The new PS3 model will not have the option to use component HD cables for Blu-ray video! You will be forced to use an HDMI cable, however, unlike the removal of PS2 backwards compatibility, this removal wasn’t entirely their fault. The new CECH-3000 model PS3 will not be able to stream the high quality video without the component wires because of a new rule that was implemented by Sony themselves. The new rule is that you have to use HDMI for Blu-ray so people cannot record the video. So basically, it’s for copyright purposes. Will this new rule effect you if you plan to get the new PS3 model? (For more information, read the full article)
2. In other movie news (I swear this is still a video game article, just bear with me), The new PS3 model will not have the option to use component HD cables for Blu-ray video! You will be forced to use an HDMI cable, however, unlike the removal of PS2 backwards compatibility, this removal wasn’t entirely their fault. The new CECH-3000 model PS3 will not be able to stream the high quality video without the component wires because of a new rule that was implemented by Sony themselves. The new rule is that you have to use HDMI for Blu-ray so people cannot record the video. So basically, it’s for copyright purposes. Will this new rule effect you if you plan to get the new PS3 model? (For more information, read the full article)
3. Do you like Mario, Zelda, or any other game where you play as the hero trying to save your loved one? Do you ever wonder who hires the hero to save the day? All your answers and more will be answered in the new game called Brave Company! This simulation game allows you to be the management leader in a company that hires heroes to go and save the world. Because why be the hero when you can be the hero that hires the hero? This game is being released by Namco-Bandai on October 27th in Japan for 3DS. No word yet on American release, but this game sounds cool. I’m a sucker for simulation games. What do you think about this concept? (For more information, read the full article)
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