Sunday, July 10, 2011

VGM of the Day #7: 176th Street

I'm an avid fan of fighting games. Be it Capcom, SNK, Midway or whoever, I try to play as many as I can get my hands on. I love that satisfaction you get from unleashing a minute-long combo on somebody's face region, dropping them to the floor in triumphant victory. That being said, one would imagine that games like this call for action-packed music (see VGM of the Day #2) to better suit what's happening in the game, and I would have to agree with them.

Such is not the case today.

King of Fighters '99. Great game - maybe not as many characters as '98, but the gameplay is solid and it's a much more balanced experience - and great music, such as this jazzy track that serves as team Fatal Fury's theme. A soft piano intro fills the air, throwing in some extra flavor before the fight starts. A few seconds later, and out of nowhere, you get struck in the face harder than any punch could muster.

DAT SAX. It's not very often that an entire song is defined by a single instrument, but it commands attention from start to finish. Solid piano work is maintained throughout and the percussion is a nice touch, but the saxophone absolutely steals the show on this one.

The piece comes together in such a way that I can't really categorize as music you can fight to, but to be honest, it doesn't matter. There's just so much character contained in this production that it carries its own weight in unfamiliar territory, and that's a rare find in video game music today.

The Verdict: Best damn sax I've ever heard in a game.


  1. Indeed man, DAT SAX!!! out of no where and BAM!! you're hooked to the song.

    Really didnt know about the song since I never played much Fatal Fury, (I'm more of a Street Fighter 2 myself) but its awesome. Thanks for sharing!

    I Rarely Hear to musics with Sax, but this one its just awesome.

    Keep them cumming!


  2. Oh Man. That Piano and that Sax are in Perfect harmony . I Was Never a Big Jazz Fan Until Recently When I Found Some Great Jazz Musicans. Tnx Man.
