I love Brave Fencer Musashi. I must've beaten that game like ten times when I was younger. It was so action-packed and exciting, but more importantly, it was the first RPG I'd ever played that wasn't turn-based, so I took it as a big deal. Maybe if I went back and played it today I'd think differently of the game, but memories like that never change.
It was hard to select a song this time around, to be honest. Pretty much every song in the game is overly intense and uncalled for, and that's a big part of what made the game so exciting for me. It made even the most mundane errands in the game epic adventures, and I loved that.
Run, Sword Fighter! is one such song. Starting off gently for all of about two seconds, you immediately get your face rocked by the hard-hitting drums and bass. The drama of it all turns a simple venture from Point A to Point B into this balls-out race to the finish, complete with hordes of enemies to whack at along the way.
The over-the-top style of the music takes the game pretty far, and suits the action well. The game itself might not be the masterpiece I perceived it as when I was a young'un, but I can't deny musical production like this.
The Verdict: Way too intense for a leisurely jog.
And on a side note, Squaresoft is better than Square Enix. But that's a tale for another day.
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