Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Psychotic Informer - 8/23/11

 1. You know what’s always fun? Official modular game controllers. It’s amazing to have full customizable control over your controller for maximum comfort to get that edge that you can’t get with just a regular controller. And today, a new Xbox 360 customizable controller has been announced by Mad Catz. It gives you amazing customizability as well as weight control. Called the MLG Pro-Circuit Controller, it will be usable on the 360 as well as the PS3, but it mostly resembles an Xbox controller so let’s just call it that for the sake of writing. The controller comes with four joysticks, two PS3 and two 360 in case for some reason you like both on the same controller, and two d-pads, a PS3 and a 360. There’s also a weight pack in the center where you can add up to 70 grams of weight if you’re into that kind of thing. What do you think? Would you buy this Mad Catz controller? (For more information, read the full article

2. Stop for a moment. Think with me. Could you imagine...a 3DS without the 3D? Yes, a console called the S. No, not really, but it sounds like something Nintendo would do. I’ll get back to that in a second. Usually around this time Nintendo has their annual press conference in Tokyo before their big release season, and this year is no different. But this year, according to various sources, it’s just going to be a 3DS conference. People are speculating that they’ll be announcing a bunch of new games and a new 3DS model. The ‘new model’ is rumored to take out the emphasis on the 3D, or even take the 3D completely out of the system. It would also have a 2nd analog pad. If this is true, I will rage so freakin’ hard. If it’s true then basically Nintendo is screwing early adopters of the 3DS so hard with a new model. But this is just my opinion. What do you think? (For more information, read the full article)


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