Sunday, August 21, 2011

Psychotic Informer - 8/21/11

1. Wow, first post in a week. First up, some Sony news. Almost directly a year after the last price cut, the PS3 is being marked down by $50 again! The new price of $250 is already in stores, so if you don’t have a PS3 you should buy one. There are a few games I’ve been wanting lately that are PS3 exclusive (God of War: Origins, anyone?) so I might pick one up myself sometime. This news comes after the fact that a new model of PSP has been announced. The E-1000 as it’s called will be like the regular PSP line, except it won’t have any Wifi connection which will mean no Internet Browser or PSN. Now why would you want this? Because it’s only $99! That’s a really good deal considering DSLites run for $120 and don’t have Wifi. What do you think? Would you buy the E-1000 PSP for $99 even though it doesn’t have Wifi? (For more information, read the full article)

2. More new console announcements, but this time from Nintendo! Nintendo has announced that it will be remaking the Wii, sort of like the toploader for the NES. The new version will lay horizontal instead of vertical and will lose Gamecube compatibility. The bundle will come with Wii Party and Wii Sports, a Wiimote Plus and a nunchuk. No price was given in the announcement. What do you think? Would you buy this Wii without any Gamecube compatibility? (For more information, read the full article)
3. Xenoblade news! The game has gone on sale in Europe, and there is some good news for people who want it in America. The game is being sold out in stores all across Europe and it will be a few weeks until there is enough copies for everyone. So Nintendo has underestimated their fans again and didn’t make enough copies. Excellent. But this is good news for people like me who really want the game, because as I said last week they would sell the game in America if they sold enough copies in Europe, and it looks like that is bound to happen! But in the meantime, you can always import the European version and use custom homebrew to play it. What do you think? Will the game get released in America? (For more information, read the full article)

4. Just Dance 1 and 2 are very popular games. So popular, in fact, that 2 was the #1 3rd party Wii game of all time. But this game is going to be better because it is going be on PS3 for the Move and 360 for the Kinect. The game comes out fairly soon, October 11th to be precise. The tracklist for the game has now been revealed! The artists include Kiss, Katy Perry, Queen, Tommy Sparks and Nelly Furtado. For the songs they have in the game and all the other songs, read the full tracklist here.


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