I remember when I got my N64 for Christmas way back in the day. I only had three games at first, as I recall: Pokemon Stadium, Super Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie. It was like a whole new world; pumped up graphics, better audio, three dimensions, and for the most part (at the time) a more enjoyable experience than the preceding generation of consoles. THE CONTROLLER SUCKS TO THIS DAY BUT MOVING ON
Banjo-Kazooie was the one game out of the three that caught my attention the most. Mario was old and stale to me, and Pokemon Stadium required too much thinking for my juvenile brain to handle, whereas Banjo-Kazooie was a simple adventure between a bear and a bird. The graphics were crisp and colorful, the gameplay and controls tight, and the music. Dude, the music.
Grant Kirkhope did an amazing job on the entire soundtrack, but I'll just use Treasure Trove Cove in this case. Usually if a xylophone would be in a song at all, it would have a minor role in the piece somewhere, but here it freaking steals the show. It serves as the main melody in some places, and the background in others. It's all over the place and breathes life into the track, which does a splendid job of delivering that day-at-the-beach feel. The xylophone's a recurring element throughout the rest of the soundtrack, and the entirety of it is catchy and delightful.
You know what? I still haven't beaten Banjo-Tooie. Maybe I oughta get on that, if only for more tunes like this.
ps nutsandboltsdoesntexist
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