Thursday, August 11, 2011

Psychotic Informer - 8/11/11

 1. Two 3DS stories are going to be condensed into one clump! First off, getting sick of your black or blue 3DS? Good news, everyone! A new color of 3DS has been announced! Flame Red will be the new design color for the 3DS. As you can see in the picture above, it looks pretty cool. It will be $170 and will hit the shelves September 9th, the same day as Star Fox 64. There are no plans for a Star Fox 64 package, but oh well. The other news is that Nintendo has said that there won’t be a 3DS Lite for a many number of years, if at all, probably because of the crappy sales so far, but they didn’t give a real reason why. So, Flame Red 3DS (It totally would’ve been Fire Red if not for Pokémon) and no 3DS Lite. What do you think? What other 3DS colors should they release? Would you want a 3DS Lite? (For more information, read the full articles here and here)

2. Investors have told Nintendo that they shouldn’t focus so much on their own consoles and games for their consoles but instead focus on making games for the iOS platform. They are saying they should be porting their existing content and making new games for iPhone and Android shops. Other companies already do this, like with Lego Harry Potter and Sonic 4 Episode 1. Nintendo has responded and said they will never make or port content to consoles that they didn’t create themselves. What do you think? Should Nintendo make games for iOS? (For more information, read the full article)
 3. Does anybody in America want Xenoblade for the Wii? Devastated by the fact it has been said many times that it won’t be released here? Well, after months of protest from gamers, Reggie Fils-Amie (the president of Nintendo) has said that there might be a chance the game will be released here, but only if the sales are extremely good in Europe. So the pressure is on those Europeans to make the game extremely successful so we Americans get it. I really hope the game gets released here because I really want it. What do you think? Will this game ever be imported here? (For more information, read the full article)

4. For people who own 3DSes, this is just a reminder to go onto the eShop today to register yourself for the Ambassador program and get the 20 free games later this year. So go do that. Or go to Wal-Mart, buy a 3DS, then do it. Just remember to do it by tonight or you won’t get your 20 free games!


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