Monday, August 1, 2011

VGM of the Day #16: Fight Against Mario...No, Doopliss!

EVO weekend was thrilling. The fierce competitors had all the strength of a raging fire, but they were a spineless, pale, pathetic lot. It was up to them to find their centers, for they were sure to win if they did. In the aftermath of such a great fighting game event, time is racing toward us to get down to business.

But get down to business I will not, bringing you a sort-of-silly boss battle theme from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. This plays in Chapter 4 of the game, in which Doopliss the doppelganger steals Mario's identity, literally- like, took his body and name and everything, leaving Mario behind in nothing but a purple silhouette of himself- and Mario must fight his entire party and Doopliss to regain his former self. A pretty serious concept, but when paired with a clown like Doopliss it just comes off as comical.

There are traces of that silliness throughout the song (especially at the :40 mark), yet also has some elements that do well to remind you that it's a boss fight and an intense one at that. Both the joviality of the piece and the contrast in styles coming together suit a trickster like Doopliss, and it makes for one of the more memorable battles in the game. Well, that and you can finally jump on Goombella's face. Nobody likes a tattle tale.

Almost certainly the longest chapter in the game, the battle (actually 2 battles, but who's counting) with Doopliss is a great moment in the game with a great theme to add to the excitement. And speaking of excitement, with the hype of EVO weekend drifting off into the sunset, it's time to get back on track around here. Again. I'm really good at this.

The Verdict: A s_lendid _iece, one of my _ersonal faves in _aper Mario.

Don't forget that I now take requests at! Just send either an MP3 or a Youtube link to the song you'd like me to talk about, and I might do just that in an upcoming post!


  1. You dare call yourself a Mario fan? Only the lowercase p was missing, the capital P was fine. You sir, are wrong by doing _aper Mario.


  2. Needs moar Salt.

    Indeed a wacky song!!
    Really enjoyed it.

  3. @alecsteven6 I make no claims to Mario fandom, thank you very much. :D
