Monday, December 12, 2011

A Psychotic Little Christmas - Alec's Seasonal Shopping Guide - #12: L.A. Noire

HOLY CRAP IT’S CHRISTMASTIME. YESSSSSSSSSS Christmas is your friendly neighborhood news reporter’s favorite holiday. There’s just so much joy and love in the air and it’s wonderful. How could this wonderful festivity get any better? Seriously, there’s just so much fun here I can’t imagine anymore fun. Free food, free shelter, free visits with the family...wait, no one likes visiting their families. What am I talking about? Oh yeah, free visits with the family whom bring PRESENTS for you. Yes, how did I forget about how awesome presents are? What’s that? It’s December 12th and you still need ideas for Christmas? WELL YOU’VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE. For the next 12 days (YES, 12!) I’m going to be doing a series I’m going to be calling...GAMES ALEC WANTS YOU TO GET FOR CHRISTMAS OR SOMETHING. Wait, what? Why not. no not really. I'm not that dumb.

So what are we going to start with today? Well, up in #12 place we have L.A. Noire! This 1940s detective game follows Detective Phelps, who starts out as a simple police officer and slowly works his way up to a 5-Star Ace Detective. This crime game is notable for the first ever use of MotionScan technology, to accurately capture a person’s facial expressions. This technology uses 32 different cameras to capture all angles of the person’s face and it is then converted into footage that can be used for the game. And it looks amazing. It’s so amazing in fact, it took up so much space, they needed to make it on three discs for the Xbox 360 version. Now that’s a LOT of storage. Of course, the PC and PS3 versions didn’t have this problem because PC doesn’t use discs and PS3 runs Blu-ray, but oh well, what can you do.
The MotionScan technology in action.

So why should you get this game for Christmas? Because this game is fun. Like seriously. A ton of fun. It brings the open world of Grand Theft Auto to a detective story, where instead of being the guy killing everybody, you’re literally playing the opposite man who arrests the man doing the bad deeds. But that’s not the end of it. After the arrest, you get an interrogation sequence, where the MotionScan really starts having a role. Basically you just ask a question, and based on their facial expression and voice fluctuations you try to tell if he’s lying or telling the truth. I was never good at this part, I usually got all the questions wrong. But it’s still fun listening to convict swear his head off at you.

So in conclusion, this game is awesome. It stands out mostly for it’s amazing MotionScan, giving lifelike facial expressions. Of course the story is great too, trying to stop serial killers from killing. There are a whole bunch of side missions to go on, and it’s a real fun time. Pick this game up, because it’s amazing!

Well that’s all for today. Tomorrow we have a real joke of a game. Stay tuned. Your friendly neighborhood news reporter - out.


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