With the (second) release of Capcom's tertiary installment in their action-packed fighting game series, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, looming over us, I thought it would be a nifty idea to celebrate the occasion by highlighting each new character before the game is released, albeit via their theme song and my opinions. And by that, I mean that the idea was thrust upon me by forces unknown and I liked it enough to roll with it. BUT I DIGRESS
12 days till launch. 12 new characters. 13 new themes. Let's do this shit.
To kick things off we'll talk about Dr. Strange. The sorcerer supreme (whom I know almost nothing about, to be honest) looks to be one of the most tricky characters in the game, both learning how to use and fighting against him. He looks capable of keeping the opposition at bay with a variety of sneaky glyphs and projectiles, and when things get too hairy he has teleport options for mounting an offense or flat-out getting out of there. Combine this with an assist and Dr. Strange could be one of the most hard-to-block characters in the game, as well as a great point character for a zoning-based team. His combos appear tough and tricky, complete with crumples, unwieldy OTGs and relaunches. Characters that hope to outgun Strange in a firefight need not apply; he's got a hyper that counter projectiles and fires back with a fullscreen beam of his own, making the only effective tactic to rush him down. He has ways of dealing with this.
While the learning curve looks high for the good doctor, so does the payoff. I don't plan on using the guy myself, but somebody is sure to. I just hope that person stays the hell away from me.
Strange's theme captures that eerie mystique that the character is known for through the subtle use of bells and chants. The guitar riffs provide a sharp contrast to the mix, and are nicely accompanied by the orchestral elements of the piece. Overall it's a perfect fit to both the game and the genre it occupies.
Now if only everybody played Dr. Strange on point so I can hear this a lot in-game.
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