Friday, September 16, 2011

VGM of the Day #25 (Dean Edition): Level 1 (Silver Surfer)

Before my time as it were, I can make no claims to have even scratched the surface of the NES library. I may have played a Zelda here or a Mario there, but that is the extent of my escapades into the past. I'm sure there were critically acclaimed titles that I've yet to delve into, grand adventures I've yet to go on, timeless classics I've yet to experience.

This is not such a game.

Silver Surfer was, to summarize the notions of the Angry Video Game Nerd, a fermenting pile of compost riddled with awkward gameplay and controls, most notably obvious during the top-down sequences. The Surfer's board is oftentimes detrimental to navigation in these stages; tight turns and no way to shoot in any direction other than straight ahead of you does not a good cake make.

But yo. The MUSIC.

Tim and Geoff Follin made sure with this piece that, even if the game was the butter in the melting pot of ass, you would at least stick around for the tunes. The Anamanaguchi-esque touches here and there make me smile, strengthening a solid and fast-paced introductory theme. The melody, rising and falling like my motivation, is the heart and soul of the song, and it complements the consistency of the bass and percussion, as well as the mindless shooting the game has to offer.

For the most part I don't regret missing out on the NES age. Surely it has the ups and downs characteristic of every era, but if playing Donkey Kong also means playing Silver Surfer, that's a deal I'll have to refuse. I've never cared to pass the first stage, nor do I plan to, but at least there's SOMETHING I can appreciate about this game.


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